Unexpected Fate

Unexpected Fate - Harper Sloan Reading Challenge 2015: #9 Libro escrito por una mujer.

4.5- Every time I close my eyes-Stars!

Harper Sloan did it again, my friends. She has a gift to write, she makes you feel EVERY-SINGLE-WORD in the story.
After reading the Corps Security series, I was so attached to the characters, and my love for them just keep growing. I feel so proud of the man Cohen has become. He's kind, gentle, loyal, and sexy as hell softie. You can't not fall in love with this grew up Cohen Cage.
And Dani... she's a strong, stubborn woman, who has a huge heart of gold.
Their Unexpected Fate is a beautiful, heart-wrenching, love story. And we have the plus to see our loved crew, and all their grown-up kids.

But what really brought tears to my eyes , was little Owen fighting the ninjas. Loved to see Cohen follow Greg's steps, and now Owen following his Daddy's.