
I don't describe myself as a reviewer, I'm just an avid reader who needs a place to escape and let out all those feelings I have after reading a book

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré Reading Challenge 2015: #39 Libro con magia.


Qué lindo volver a vivir las aventuras de Harry, Ron y Hermione


Untitled - Elizabeth Reyes Reading Challenge 2015: #11 Libro con una palabra por título.

Broken Course

Broken Course - Aly Martinez Reading Challenge 2015: #32 Una trilogía. 3/3

How To Master A Millionaire

How To Master A Millionaire - Talia Hunter Reading Challenge 2015: #41 Libro de un autor nunca leído.

I've read a lot of erotica, and let me tell you, this is sooo different. Yes, it's hot, really hot, but also is sweet and real funny. The chemistry between the main characters is tangible since the very beginning. The plot is unique. Ally's a broke blogger, whom makes herself past as a dominatrix to help model-to-be-actor Max Oberon who needs to overcome his need for control to make his character's submissive relationship convincing for a big film.
So what happens when the line between "job" and personal life begins to get blurred? When you realize you stopped to fake and started to real feeling? Well, I'll let you read it and find out.
This is one of my 5-stars-favs of the year!

Good Girl Gone

Good Girl Gone - Tammy Falkner Reading Challenge 2015: #44 Libro originalmente escrito en otro idioma.

I love this series so much. Josh and Star helped each other to heal, to let the past behind and above everything, to love.
So good to see the Reeds and the Zeroes again.


Unexpected Fate

Unexpected Fate - Harper Sloan Reading Challenge 2015: #9 Libro escrito por una mujer.

4.5- Every time I close my eyes-Stars!

Harper Sloan did it again, my friends. She has a gift to write, she makes you feel EVERY-SINGLE-WORD in the story.
After reading the Corps Security series, I was so attached to the characters, and my love for them just keep growing. I feel so proud of the man Cohen has become. He's kind, gentle, loyal, and sexy as hell softie. You can't not fall in love with this grew up Cohen Cage.
And Dani... she's a strong, stubborn woman, who has a huge heart of gold.
Their Unexpected Fate is a beautiful, heart-wrenching, love story. And we have the plus to see our loved crew, and all their grown-up kids.

But what really brought tears to my eyes , was little Owen fighting the ninjas. Loved to see Cohen follow Greg's steps, and now Owen following his Daddy's.

More Than Comics

More Than Comics - Elizabeth Briggs Reading Challenge 2015: #27 Un libro que puedas terminar en un día.

Leído: 16/04/15

The chemistry between Tara and Hector is always there. They've been online friend for years, even before Hector's band, Villain Complex, had become famous; and they never met in person. That until they had to present their graphic comic, Misfit Squad, at the nerd paradise, yes, people, at the Comic-Con!
At the beginning, things between them is a little awkward, because they like each other, but Tara doesn't want to acknowledge it, and Hector is afraid that he's the only with those feelings and doesn't want to ruin their friendship. But like I said before, the chemistry between them is always there, and is very tangible.
So on those three days at the Comic-Con, we see how their relationship develops, Tara meets Hector's friends, and all the madness that group is.
Elizabeth is an amazing author who catch the readers from the very first page, never making the story tedious.
Hector Fernandez is my favourite character of the series so far!

Rules of Protection (Bonus Scene)

Rules of Protection (Bonus Scene) - Alison Bliss I freaking loved this bonus scene! It was hilarious. I've missed those two. Emily and Jake can always bring a smile to your face.
And Cowboy? Yeah, just a little glimpse of him has me jumping all over the room. I really want him having his own story *crossing fingers*

Stolen Course

Stolen Course - Aly Martinez Reading Challenge 2015: #32 Una trilogía. 2/3

Changing Course

Changing Course - Aly Martinez Reading Challenge 2015: #32 Una trilogía. 1/3

Until Series: Box set

Until Series: Box set - Aurora Rose Reynolds AMO a los chicos Mayson. Debo agradecerle a Crisly por habérmelo recomendado :)

Me encantó esta serie. Sí, puede que sea un poco cliché como muchas otras, pero amo ese sentimiento de hermandad y compañerismo entre los personajes en los libros. Que entre hermanos puedan sacarse los ojos, pero al momento que uno necesita al otro aunque sea un poquito, todos saltan sin dudarlo, como en la serie Reed Brothers de [a:Tammy Falkner|5763298|Tammy Falkner|], o la serie Corps Security de [a:Harper Sloan|7122060|Harper Sloan|]; que en esta última a pesar de que los personajes no comparten sangre, existe ese mismo sentimiento de hermandad.

En este bookset están las historias de los cuatro hermanos Mayson: Asher (en Until November), Trevor (en Until Trevor), Cash [mi favorito♥ (en Until Lilly), y Nico (en Until Nico). Todos son los típicos solteros, extremadamente calientes a los que les caen mujeres por doquier, pero algo falta en sus vidas; eso, hasta que encuentran a su BOOM. Por generaciones, los hombres Mayson les han relatado a sus hijos la "maldición" de los hombres de su familia, que sus vidas cambiarán completamente cuando encuentren a su BOOM -su alma gemela, su pareja para siempre-, cosa que ninguno cree hasta que les sucede.
Cada historia tiene su toque único que lo hace especial, y en cada libro amas más y más a cada uno de los integrantes de esta familia. No puedo esperar a leer los spin-offs Until Her y Until Him, que tratará sobre los hijos de los personajes principales de esta serie.

Until November

Until November - Aurora Rose Reynolds Reading Challenge 2015: #17 Libro recomendado por un amigo.

Thirteen Reasons Why

Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher Leído para el Reading Challenge 2015,
#5: Un libro con un número en el título.

Tengo sentimientos tan encontrados que ni siquiera sé qué rating darle...

Pero una cosa es segura, voy a escuchar audiobooks mientras leo el libro cada vez que pueda.

Beautiful Redemption

Beautiful Redemption - Jamie McGuire TJ's storyyyyyyy *-*

Juegos de Ingenio

Juegos de Ingenio - John Katzenbach Querido John,
Por falta de lugar en la valija tuve que dejarte lejitos u.u Así que debo dejarte en pausa hasta que pueda traerte.
Con amor,

Tierra de nadie

Tierra de nadie - Sebastián Elesgaray Reading Challenge 2015: #6 Libro escrito por un menor de 30.

Currently reading

Color Me Crazy
Carol Pavliska
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Mary GrandPré, Kazu Kibuishi, J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter Boxed Set: Books 1-7
J.K. Rowling
Mi hombre. Obsesión
Jodi Ellen Malpas